Wide Awake

So here I am. 1:45 in the morning, and I’m wide awake. Maybe it was the coke I drank too late into the night.

Or maybe it could be the fact that I can’t stop thinking about Moody, and what this semester will bring.

Then again, it could be that I’m hungry from watching a mouth-watering cooking show.

Whatever it is, the little hamster in my brain that powers my thinking (imagery credit due to my dad) is running full-speed on its squeaky little wheel, and for some reason I’m ok with that tonight.

Since the my thoughts seem to be obsessed with Moody currently, I hope dear reader, that you will bear with me as I attempt to convey some thoughts, opinions, and experiences – all blended into one!

That said, here are a few things I’ve learned from the two semesters I’ve lived through:

1. Sleep is precious, but sometimes other things take precedence, like important conversations,  big papers, talking and laughing with fellow-dorm floor dwellers. Just to name a few.

2. Never do laundry on the weekend, but if you’re this-is-my-last-pair-of-clean-underwear desperate, prepare for a cut-throat competition for a washing machine.

3. Invest time in lots of friendships – they make or break the whole college experience! Here’s my logic: on your death bed, will you wish you had spent two more hours on that paper? Of course not! People won’t remember you for that paper, but they will remember your relationship together.

4. Get off campus, out of your dorm, and away from school work. Even if for a half hour.  Do not- I repeat – DO NOT- turn into a campus rat! Don’t get me wrong- campus is great! But, as quoted from ‘Finding Nemo’ “fish weren’t meant to be in a box, kid. It does things to ya.”


5. Authenticity goes a long way.

6. When stress overwhelms, watch a cat video with a friend or two. It works!

7. Soak in every bit of learning you can – there are so many knowledgeable profs out there. Also, be careful who and what you buy into – profs included.

8. As much as getting off campus is important, so is getting involved ON campus. Try out for that choir, get onto the volley-ball team, join the art club, find a Bible study (or lead one). Look for community on campus with good, godly people. It makes a difference!

9. Splurge on food – good food. Take a friend, go somewhere you haven’t tried yet, and get savory, soul-comforting food. It’s worth every penny.

10. Your major? It doesn’t dictate who you are. Sure, it’s a part of you, and hopefully something you’re crazy about, but it’s not the essence of you.

11. When you come home the first time, expect relationship questions that may go something like this [scene: at Christmas dinner with the family] “….So *cough*….Gena…..have you met any cute guys up at school? I mean, there must be hundreds of them, right? So it’s just choosing the best one that’s the hard part? *wink wink*” … you may have a very enthusiastic, romantic answer to this question, but don’t feel bad if you just turn red and softly reply no. It’s ok. College doesn’t have to center around a relationship, though if you’re involved in a fantastic, healthy one I hope you enjoy it to the fullest! But remember that getting a date doesn’t define you, your attractiveness and marriage potential, or college experience.

12.That said, I have one more tid-bit for you: Don’t put yourself in a box. Let the Lord lead you where He may, because He’s usually got different ideas for you than you have for yourself. And buckle up, because in my smidge of experience thus far, it is a fun, crazy, bumpy, imperfect, and yet life-altering ride.

Reader, if you’ve read this far, I commend you! As for the hamster on its little wheel in my brain, I think it’s finally getting sleepy. But, if you are headed to college soon, I wish you the best! And most importantly,stand strong in the Lord, and don’t be lulled to complacency and wishy-washy-ness by the world out there. Have fun, and soak in every moment.