About This

This afternoon, I’m sitting by the window, while the sky scrapers are shrouded in cloud and gray sky. A pile of books and killer view to my right, an empty chair to my left. Music is streaming through the headphones, and motivation for homework is barely there. But today, it’s not about the clouds. Or the homework that has yet to be completed.

It’s about the little girl who I got to sing with in the pouring rain as we walked to school together. 

It’s about my best friend who made the loveliest cup of vanilla-raspberry coffee I’ve ever had, and whose passion for adventure and excitement inspire my heart. 

It’s about the word “Mom” that flashed across my phone earlier this afternoon, giving the two of us a chance to exchange stories and process life and God’s faithful provision together. 

It’s about a friend and mentor who made time to talk about life over a plate of college pasta. 

It’s about the Bible study that will happen a few hours from now, and the women that will (hopefully) be present, as we talk about Psalm 23 together. 

It’s about the gift the Lord has placed in my hands today: being alive, physically and spiritually in Him. 

I won’t live forever, but I am alive today, and I want to love on those He’s placed around me, and allow them to love on me, too.